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Non-Dairy, Sugar-Free Strawberry Ice Cream

Liz Hoobchaak

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

If you have a bunch of brown bananas sitting on your counter, don’t toss them, simply freeze them and make ice cream! Bananas are the best base for a non-dairy sugar-free ice cream. They can be blended with any other frozen fruit and a few other simple ingredients and it turns into a rich and creamy frozen treat that you can feel good about eating.


4 ripe bananas, peeled and frozen

1 lb fresh or frozen hulled strawberries.

4 tbsp of coconut cream or 1/2 cup of coconut milk

3-4 tbsp honey

1 tsp vanilla


1. To freeze the bananas, it is best to peel them, slice them into smaller chunks and place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Freeze for 3-4 hours until solid.

2. Place frozen bananas and either coconut cream or coconut milk in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.

3. Add in the frozen strawberries (or any other fruit you want to use) and desired amount of honey for added sweetness. Blend until completely incorporated into a creamy consistency.

4. This can be served right away as soft serve, or placed in an ice-cream freezer container and frozen. If placed in the freezer, let it thaw for 15-20 minutes before scooping and serving.

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